I’ve been using Zen Quotes API for a while now. It’s a great app that provides quotes for my lockscreen. But to filter based on Author, I need to pay for the premium version. So I decided to create my own personal quote API.

First I needed a source of quotes. I found datasets of quotes on Kaggle Quotes Dataset and Quotes-500K. I think these datasets were created by scraping the web for quotes.

The Plan

  • Create sqlite database to store quotes.
  • Create table quotes with columns quote, author, tags.
  • Import quotes from the dataset.
  • Perform READ operations on the database. easy peasy.

The Implementation

The problem is that one dataset is in csv format and the other is in json format. We need a common format to import the quotes into the database. I decided to convert the json dataset to csv format. Time to flex my command-line-fu.

First, I opened the csv dataset in LibreOffice Calc and replaced ', ' with ' ' in categories column. Then renamed categories to tags. Saved the file as quotes.csv.

Next, I converted the json dataset to csv using shitty bash-fu.

jq '.[] | "\(.Quote)<merge>, \(.Author)<merge>, \(.Tags | join(" "))"' quotes.json \
| sed "s/<merge>, /\", \"/g" \
| sed -z "s/ \"\n/\"\n/g" >> quotes.csv
  • .[] selects each object in the array.
  • "\(.Quote)<merge>, \(.Author)<merge>, \(.Tags | join(" "))" formats the output as quote, author, tags. I could not find a way to insert double quotes around the fields in jq. So I used keyword to replace with ", " later.🤪
  • sed "s/<merge>, /\", \"/g" replaces <merge>, with ", .
  • sed -z "s/ \"\n/\"\n/g" removes the trailing space before newline.

Now I have a csv file with quotes. Time to create the database.

sqlite3 ~/playground/quotes/quotes.db
-- Create a database to store quotes.
    quote TEXT,
    author TEXT,
    tags TEXT

-- Import quotes from the `csv` file.
.mode csv
.import quotes.csv quotes

-- Let's count the number of quotes in the database.
-- 548102 😎

Get a random quote

sqlite3 ~/playground/quotes/quotes.db "SELECT quote FROM quotes ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1;"

Get a random quote from ‘Socrates’

sqlite3 ~/playground/quotes/quotes.db "SELECT quote FROM quotes WHERE author LIKE '%socrates%' ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1;"

Now I can get personalized quotes for my lockscreen.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

get_quote() {
    sqlite3 -separator " - " ~/playground/quotes/quotes.db \
        "SELECT quote, REPLACE(author, '\"', '') AS author FROM quotes \
        WHERE ( \
                  author LIKE '%socrates%' \
            OR    author LIKE '%plato%' \
            OR    author LIKE '%aristotle%' \
            OR    author LIKE '%seneca%' \
            OR    author LIKE '%epictetus%' \
            OR    author LIKE '%marcus aurelius%' \
            OR    author LIKE '%montaigne%' \
            OR    author LIKE '%schopenhauer%' \
            OR    author LIKE '%nietzsche%' \
            OR    author LIKE '%diogenes%' \
            OR    author LIKE '%kierkegaard%' \
            OR    author LIKE '%pythagoras%' \
        ) \
        AND LENGTH(quote) < 100 \

if [ ! -f /tmp/__quote_data ]; then
    get_quote > /tmp/__quote_data

if [ $(find /tmp/__quote_data -mmin +1) ]; then
    previous_quote_data=$(cat /tmp/__quote_data)
    rm /tmp/__quote_data
    get_quote > /tmp/__quote_data

quote_data=$(cat /tmp/__quote_data)

echo "📜 $quote_data"